File Problems - Resolved?
Sorry about files not being available this past week. i had some technical problems on teh Switchpod side of things.
I've changed all the file names and uploaded everything again, so things *should* be working.
Thanks for everybody who dropped me a line about this, and hopefully things work out now. if not, comment on this entry, and I'll see what I can do from here to fix it. Except glare at switchpod and iTunes menacingly, of course.
Edit: Seems like FeedBurner has a problem changing over files on existing posts. Working on that.
Edit 2: FeedBurner doesn't like my file. Not sure what the solution for that is. i republished the post, and it still shows up with the wrong file link in FeedbBurner, but the correct one on the blog. Odd.
Edit 3: Everything should be working fine. I tested the download in iTunes and it worked. If you still have problems, please let me know.
I was able to download 1,4,5 but 2 and 3 give me a file not found error. You may want to re-name the files with no spaces, shorter names, or both.
I've listened to #1 and I'm intrigued to listen to more, but I am waiting on 2 and 3 before I continue. I wanted to listen to them all in order. Good luck.
Hey J.R.
For some reason, Feedburner won't update links in past posts until whenever they're ready. So until they do (I can't figure out how to make them do it), you can download the files directly through this blog. They should all work. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks Kiki. It wasn't working earlier. Got them now. Time for a KB marathon. :)
I have not been able to get access to episode 3 either via the web site or I-Tunes. The file seems to download, but I can't load it into I-Tunes. Do you have any suggestions?
Hey Laura.
That's very odd. I'll try uploading the file again to see if that fixes it. I couldn't reproduce the eorror, unfortunately, but I'll try and see what I can do.
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